Buderim Foundation2018 grant recipients

Grants of up to $10,000 available

Grants of up to $10,000 available to local community organisations thanks to Buderim Foundation

Buderim Foundation will soon be opening their 2019 Grants Programs for applications, with up to $10,000 each available to community organisations serving the local 4556 community.
Applications open on Monday 10th June, and eligible applicants will need to apply online before Sunday, 21st July. Successful applicants will be announced at the Foundation’s 2019 annual community grants celebration on Saturday afternoon, September 14th.
The Buderim Foundations Grant application program attracted a lot of interest last year, and $75,605 in grants was awarded taking the total amount distributed over 11 years to over $480,000. Just some of the projects that were awarded grants last years included:
• $9,928 to Buderim Scouts for repairs and maintenance to the Buderim Scout Den
• $8,000 to The Compass Institute for a Beach Safety and Awareness Program
• $7,957 to Buderim-Palmwoods Heritage Tramway for the design and printing of the book Timber – Trains – Turmoil
• $3000 to the Carers Foundation for the provision of health renewal programs for unpaid family carers
• $675 to Story Dogs for the purchase of 45 new children’s picture books

Foundation Grants Committee chair, Rebecca Ramsay said this year the Foundation was aiming to exceed the grants awarded in 2018.

“Supporting our community is about more growth = more grants = more smiles!”, Ms Ramsay said.

“By investing in organisations serving the Buderim and 4556 community, we strive to support, protect and encourage great purposes such as assisting people to live healthy and fulfilling lives, encouraging cultural endeavours, increasing learning opportunities, protecting and preserving our natural environment and supporting youth in our community.”

The Buderim Foundation is a philanthropic organisation who harnesses the power of giving by generating income from donations and bequests and providing grants for worthwhile community projects.

To find out more about the Buderim Foundation, why people give and some of the great community benefits from the grants program check out our new video, produced pro-bono for the Foundation by Buderim PR & video company Reflected Image PRoductions, with assistance from Sunshine Coast Council.
You can view the video at buderimfoundation.org.au or visit our Facebook page – @TheBuderimFoundation.

To find out more and apply for this year’s Grants Program visit http://www.buderimfoundation.org.au/grants/how-to-apply/ to see if your organisation is eligible and to download the Grant Application Guide. Grant applications need to be submitted online by Sunday 21st July.

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