Sponsorship money received from the Buderim ChemPro Chemist and Edenlea on Buderim covers the majority of the Foundation’s administration costs, ensuring that precious donated funds are never spent and earnings on the funds can feed back into the Buderim community by way of grants.
The Foundation is incredibly grateful to the owners of these very Buderim-focused businesses.
“We firmly believe that our sponsorship of the Buderim Foundation is making a real difference. Following on from the Buderim Pharmacy brand, one of Buderim’s most enduring family businesses, we are proud to still offer this support in the Buderim Community”
Mehdi Bakhtiari
“Our family is proud to be associated with the Buderim Foundation. Buderim has provided us with the ideal locations for business and family life for more than 40 years. Sponsoring the Buderim Foundation allows our family to give back to the Buderim community in ways that reach far beyond our own industry”.
David Hawtrey
This sponsorship helps further with the Foundation’s Administration costs and, in turn, building a stronger community. We are incredibly grateful for their support.
“TM Estate Agents are pleased to provide support to the Buderim Foundation and, in turn, investing in the Buderim Community”.
Tanya Mungomery