A bequest is a transfer of cash, shares, or other property through a Will after the death of the Willmaker . The making of a Will ensures that the assets and property of a Willmaker pass on according to their wishes. Most commonly, the beneficiaries under a Will are family and friends but the making of a Will is also an opportunity to benefit the broader community by including a bequest to a charity.
We appreciate that deciding on who should benefit from the assets you have gained over a lifetime is very private and personal. However, in your deliberations we ask you to consider how a bequest to the Buderim Foundation would benefit the community both now and into the future.
A bequest to the Buderim Foundation is a practical and effective way of supporting the tireless work of the vast array of community organisations to which the Buderim Foundation gives grants each year. All bequests and donations are pooled and invested, and the earnings provide the funds for the ongoing annual distribution of grants. Consequently, a bequest to the Buderim Foundation is not spent for a one off purpose but remains in the pooled invested funds to generate earnings for future grants.
If you would like to know more, please see our Bequest Brochure.
To bequeath a gift to the Buderim Foundation from your estate, you must sign a new will or add a codicil to your present will. Your solicitor will be able to assist you in this regard.