In January 2015 we reached the $1,000,000 milestone!

I am especially pleased to share some exciting news with all of you.

Our Foundation has now reached a significant growth milestone in its 10 year history. We have just passed the $1million mark of funds held in trust. I’m sure you will agree that this is a great achievement.

It’s a perfect opportunity to thank everyone – one-off donors, regular donors, our sponsors, those who’ve made bequests, attended our events, supported our fund raising initiatives and of course all those who’ve given generously of their time and talent.

It’s also an opportunity to acknowledge the great work undertaken by the Foundation’s highly credentialed Investment Committee, chaired by Avril Staniland. Avril and her team have pursued a highly professional investment strategy to ensure growth of the Foundation’s corpus over the long term, while delivering a solid income stream each year to return to the community in the form of grants.

It should be noted that the Investment Committee has capitalised on the strength of the equities market in the past month or so to get us to this exciting milestone and I thank them for that.

Now for the second million!

Kind regards,

Paul Clark
Chair, Buderim Foundation