Spirit of Buderim was a wonderful community initiative spearheaded by Buderim Foundation in partnership with the Buderim War Memorial Community Association. It’s a publication made possible by a $7000 grant from the Australian government to celebrate community achievement during Community and Philanthropy Partnerships Week in early December.
Its purpose was to explain the roles of both the BWMCA and Buderim Foundation, to showcase their achievements and to encourage volunteering in the Buderim community. Spirit of Buderim is full of interesting photos, history, stories and case studies about what makes this community special, including more than 30 Buderim organisations who get to say who they are and what they do in the community.
All the contributions, writing, editing, layout and design were undertaken by volunteers.
17,000 copies were printed and delivered to every letterbox in Buderim Post Code 4556 in December 2015 by a small army of enthusiastic volunteers who collected bundles for the streets they were allocated. Spirit of Buderim validates social researcher Hugh Mackay’s proposition that ‘It’s not where you live but how you live’.
It is something to read and hold on to, a keepsake for individuals and families, reminding them of the importance of strong partnerships between community and philanthropy.
Additional copies of Spirit of Buderim are available while stocks last from the Old Post Office, Buderim’s community information centre. Spirit of Buderim makes a great reference for locals and it’s something to send on to family and friends so they can see why we choose to live where we live.