There’s a Foundation Cookery Book prize for the first 50 correct set of answers we receive!

1. How many community run foundations are there in Australia?

2. What year was the Buderim Foundation launched?

3. Who is the current chair of the Foundation Board?

4. The Foundation has three major sponsors. Who are they?

5. To commemorate the establishment of the Buderim Foundation, Dame Quentin Bryce, AC, CVO, planted a Foundation tree in Main Street. Later the tree had to be moved when building development started in the area. Where is the tree now?

6. When did the Foundation first award grants to community organisations?

7. How much money has been awarded in grants to community organisations?

8. How many Gift-in-Memory stories have been written?

9. What does the acronym YIPP stand for?

10. Please finish this saying, More growth = more grants = more ?????

** Hint all this historical information can be found on the Foundation’s website or contact your ‘favourite’ Foundation representative!!

Email your answers to Sally Caddy at [email protected]

Include your address and we will get your prize cookery book to you!