Around 35 members of the Coast’s legal fraternity joined Foundation Members and directors at a seminar on June 14 to hear about the Buderim Foundation’s role in building a stronger community through philanthropy. Presenters included His Honour, Judge John M Robertson, Foundation Grants Committee Chair, Lisa Edward, Carvosso and Winship Partner and former Foundation Chair, Gary Hopkins and Allen Hertel from Focus Chartered Accountants.
MC and former chair of the Foundation’s Fund Development Committee Swain Roberts said the purpose of the seminar was to engage with this important and influential audience and raise awareness of the Foundation across the community. He also said that with the Buderim Foundation now firmly established as Buderim’s respected philanthropic organisation, there are many good reasons why making a bequest to the Foundation should figure in conversations about estate planning and people’s legacy for the future.
Guests also heard that:
- Since launching in 2004, the Foundation has managed to roughly double the funds held in its two Trusts every three years. This balance now sits at just over $1.4m
- September this year will see the 10th year of grants to community organisations that benefit the Buderim community taking the total to more than $400,000 awarded to well in excess of 70 local organisations
- Additionally, the Foundation has facilitated the distribution of $132,500 in Back to School vouchers to families requiring assistance. This program is managed by the Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal (FRRR) and is supported by our local Buderim Lions and Rotary Clubs
- And of course, there’s the countless hours of time, talent and energy contributed by a small army of highly committed volunteers devoted to ensuring the Foundation continues to grow and achieve its goals.

Kate Manttan, Swian Roberts, Judge John M Robertson, Gary Hopkins

Lucy Jorgensen, Ashlee HAll, Allen Hertel, Paul Kusy, Chris Baker